Sustainability management
Basic approach
There is a growing interest in management that achieves sustainability in terms of the environment, society, and the economy. Aiming to make a sustainable society a reality, at the Tokyo Ink Group we always consider how we can contribute to the solution of a wide range of issues faced by society through our corporate activities. In order to ensure sound and ongoing business activities, the Tokyo Ink Group needs to build and increase the trust placed in it by society. To do this, we are working on activities that include those that contribute to local communities and those that aim to enable a variety of working styles.
Sustainability guidelines
Through sound and transparent management and business activities, the Tokyo Ink Group strives to enhance corporate value and contribute to the formation of a sustainable society.
- We will value dialogue with all stakeholders to enhance corporate transparency and fulfill our social responsibilities.
- We will contribute to the formation of a sustainable society through the products and services we provide.
- We will respect the fundamental human rights and diversity of our employees, and strive to create a workplace that ensures their safety, health, and job satisfaction.
- We will contribute to the development of our employees and the formation of a sustainable society through social contribution activities.
Sustainability management system
Our sustainability-related activities are led by our interdepartmental Social Responsibility Committee. The Social Responsibility Committee is chaired by the President and CEO and reports to the ESG Management Promotion Council, whose members are made up of all divisional heads and the chairpersons of each committee. Committee members are appointed from all departments throughout the company without bias, and we have a system in place that ensures they are able to work diligently toward the achievement of sustainability. The plans and progress of sustainability-related activities are regularly reported to the ESG Management Promotion Committee, which then engages in a decision making process on the basis of such reports.
Tokyo Ink Group materiality
We decided on materiality for the Tokyo Ink Group that reflect megatrends, risks, and opportunities of a sustainable society. Backcasting from our target for 2030, we compiled four materiality.

We have outlined our approach to addressing the materiality necessary to achieve our long-term vision (our goal for 2030). Specific measures, targets, and other relevant details will be set out in our medium-term business plan up to 2030, and we will work diligently to realize our vision.

Environmental impact reduction
Basic approach
There is a growing interest in management that achieves sustainability in terms of the environment, society, and the economy. Aiming to make a sustainable society a reality, at the Tokyo Ink Group we always consider how we can contribute to the global environment and all other fields through our corporate activities. As reducing the burden on the global environment is essential for ongoing corporate activities by the Tokyo Ink Group, we are working to develop products and services that contribute to reducing the burden on the environment, save energy in corporate activities, reduce waste, and promote recycling.
Environmental guidelines
The Tokyo Ink Group will continuously strive to reduce its impact on the global environment through its business activities.
- We will strive to develop products and services that contribute to reducing environmental impact.
- We will strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and waste through continuous energy saving activities and recycling.
- We will not only comply with environmental laws and regulations, but also set our own standards and strive to protect the environment.
- We will proactively disclose information related to the environment as is required of companies.
- We will undertake environmental education and public relations activities for our employees to raise their awareness of environmental issues.
Environmental management system
Our activities to reduce the burden on the environment are led by our interdepartmental Environmental Burden Reduction Committee. Under the Environmental Burden Reduction Committee is the Energy Saving Team, and this team is promoting and engaged in energy saving activities. The Environmental Burden Reduction Committee is chaired by the President and CEO and reports to the ESG Management Promotion Council, whose members are made up of all divisional heads and the chairpersons of each committee. Committee members are appointed from all departments throughout the company without bias, and we have a system in place that ensures they are able to work diligently toward reducing the burden on the environment. The plans and progress of activities to reduce the burden on the environment are regularly reported to the ESG Management Promotion Committee, which then engages in a decision making process on the basis of such reports.
Information disclosure in line with TCFD recommendations
In light of the recent global increase in demand for disclosure of climate change-related information, the Tokyo Ink Group plans to disclose information in line with the TCFD recommendations.